Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hi, my name is Bianca. I'm ridiculously late for this introduction because I just figured out today how to maneuver Blogger. Even though I haven't been able to follow other people's blogs, I have been enjoying everybody's discussion posts so far. 

I'm a history major who doesn't know much about American history - I grew up in France and didn't receive any instruction in American history. I'm particularly interested in learning about native cultures around the world, though. 

Happy blogging!


  1. Bianca,
    I look forward to reading your posts. Where in France did you grow up? I was in Paris two months ago for work. I liked France very much.

    1. Hi there, I grew up in Paris and moved to the Us when I was eighteen. I left school when I was a teenager to become a dancer, so years after the fact, I am going back to school to fill in some of the gaps.
      Nice to meet you.

  2. Hi Bianca, I am a History major too. It's nice to meet you .

    1. Hi there,
      It is nice to meet you, but I have been enjoying your posts in our discussion area for a while now, and I look forward to reading more of your insights.

  3. HI Bianca,
    I'm curious to know what, if anything, have you learned about American history, or what has your perception been about American history. From your perspective it would be interesting to know. In elementary through high school, our history classes have taught us a little about most countries, so I'm curious to know what, if anything, is taught about America elsewhere.
    Also, anything surprising so far that you've learned about our American history ub rgua course with regards to Native Peoples?

  4. Hi Kim,
    In answer to your questions, i did not have any perception about American history until I took a course on Colonial times a couple of semesters ago. What really surprises me, is that I don't remember learning anything about American history in school in France. Nothing. We learned about the Romans and the Crusades and Charlemagne and the French Revolution and Napoleon and endless wars with neighboring countries, and lots of dates, but for the life of me, I knew nothing about America. Granted it was a while ago, but I am sure that I never learned about Columbus when I was growing up. Funny how different countries find things important!
    I remember going to London when I was a teenager and seeing a statue dedicated to Waterloo;I remember thinking what a strange thing to put up a statue to commemorate a defeat and then realizing, ooops, wrong country! In England, Waterloo was a big victory!

  5. Thanks for replying! I was curious to know what is taught in other countries about America, if anything is taught. Even moreso, what other think about our country and its history regarding native Peoples. It's always interesting to have others perspectives, but even moreso when the other person is from another country. This is especially true with these Immigration Blogs we are into now. I'm learning a lot from everyone.
